
The Swiss Original

Admission, access, transition, aptitude, intermediate and final examinations: The fit4school tutors prepare children and adolescents for their written and oral examinations in a needs-oriented and goal-oriented way, professionally and strategically.

Admission, access, transition, aptitude, intermediate and final examinations: The fit4school tutors prepare children and adolescents for their written and oral examinations in a needs-oriented and goal-oriented way, professionally and strategically.

Tests point the way ahead

Examinations are part of everyday school and training life. Written and oral examinations serve as proof of performance and of a certain level of knowledge. The result of this assessment is expected to provide an informative value about later (possible) achievements. Thus, examination results have one thing in common: they are decisive for the future of the pupils. That is why we prepare children and adolescents in our school supplement
- Exam preparation courses,
- personal, subject-specific examination preparation and
- individual examination trainings
in a demand-oriented and goal-oriented manner for their written and oral examinations.

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The fit4school learning and coaching centers throughout Switzerland


Cantonal learning objectives

Aligned with cantonal requirements

In Switzerland, examinations are generally organised very differently from canton to canton. That is why the individual fit4school learning and coaching centres offer tailor-made courses for groups and individual training courses at the respective locations:
- P- and S-Checks
- passing exams
- gymi testing
- HMS/WMS, IMS, BMS and FMS Admission and Final Exams
- final apprenticeship examination
- Technical and vocational baccalaureate
- grammar school graduation
Visit the website of the respective location and ask the center management for the current, site-specific offer! The center managers will of course advise you free of charge.

More than just swotting

More than just swotting

The fit4school exam preparations and trainings do not only concentrate on the technical aspects. The fit4school tutors provide equally valuable tips and techniques for dealing with exam pressure, reducing nervousness and exam anxiety. And they show the candidates the examination strategies suitable for them, which are practised and thus internalised.

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fit4school Foundation

As a modern Swiss foundation and pioneers in supplementary education, we are carefully and consistently committed to the success of our students. We see ourselves as pioneers and take our responsibility for people and education very seriously. fit4school does not claim to do everything. But we want everything we do to be done the right way; with our enthusiasm for learning and knowledge, right in its time and right to the environment.



Stiftung fit4school
Streitgasse 20
CH-4051 Basel
+41 (0)61 511 22 08

Learning and Coaching Centers

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