
The Swiss Original

Those who go to work with the right learning strategies enjoy learning, enjoy knowledge and make the decisive difference - at school and later in their careers. The fit4school learning coachings for children and young people: Tailor-made. Individual. Tailor-made.

No stress at school

In the fit4school learning coachings, children learn far more than just learning. We teach children and adolescents strategies, methods and techniques with which to

- they are more relaxed about school and social pressures,
- be able to focus and be less distracted, and
- with which they learn to organise their daily school life in a self-responsible and balanced way.

We teach children and young people how to actually use their potential, their curiosity and fascination, their joy and enthusiasm for learning and knowledge. We promote intrinsic motivation and thus reduce pressure and stress; at school and at home.
Depending on requirements, our coaching focuses on concentration, learning and working techniques, motivation, organisation and planning or on the positive handling of examination pressure and the systematic reduction of examination anxiety.

Dealing with pressure to perform

Dealing positively with pressure to perform

Today, many children and young people can no longer cope with the rising performance expectations. They come under pressure, their performance at school is diminishing and therefore also leaves a lot to be desired. Frustration quickly gets ready, the joy of knowledge and learning fades, motivation is gone. But at the same time the immediate success at school is decisive for the future of the children.

In many cases, pupils lack just one building block to keep up with rising performance expectations and reduce pressure: the right learning strategies and thus the development of distinctive learning competence. And this is not only in demand at school today, but also in professional life the longer it lasts. Learning needs to be learned today.

This is exactly where fit4school comes in with its personal learning coachings.

Developing learning strategies

Learning strategies can be developed and optimised.

How we humans learn is highly complex and fascinating. We acquire, process and store information in order to build implicit and explicit knowledge. And we are able to retrieve this knowledge at lightning speed. That we can learn and even think is certainly a gift and at the same time a miracle of nature.

Our abilities to learn and to think go so far that we are even able to learn our own learning. With learning strategies we can control our own learning.

Each person has their own individual learning strategies, which are interwoven into a unique, personal network: Learning competence. In our learning coachings, we develop, promote and optimise these learning strategies for children and young people in a targeted way, because those who have the right learning strategies for themselves and cleverly network them learn more successfully, build up more knowledge, which in turn can be used successfully.

Learning to learn

Learning to learn at fit4school

The fit4school foundation has developed a methodology for Swiss primary and secondary schools that enables pupils to optimise their learning skills in just a few hours. At the same time, specialist groups consisting of development psychologists, Swiss teachers and school principals have developed age-appropriate training materials and documents that can be used individually in the fit4school® learning coachings.

On this basis and adapted to their personality, the children and adolescents develop and optimise their own individual learning strategies in fit4school® learning coaching. They are coached and closely accompanied by their tutor. The focus is on the following areas as required
- Concentration,
- Learning and working techniques,
- Motivation,
- Organization and planning,
- or a positive approach to audit pressure and systematic reduction of audit anxiety.

Symptoms and their causes

Symptoms and their causes

Learning coaching is clearly different from classical coaching.

A learning coaching differs from technical support and belongs to the school supplementing support. Learning competence is one of the key qualifications and is therefore independent of the respective subject area. In other words: Learning coaching is an interdisciplinary support that benefits pupils in all subjects.

Private lessons, on the other hand, are subject-specific. It can offer meaningful support at specific points, for example in the case of specific technical gaps, learning deficits, comprehension difficulties, difficulties with homework, to safeguard knowledge or to refresh school material.

However, the need for coaching often results from missing, undeveloped or insufficiently optimised learning strategies. With the learning coachings we do not start with the "symptoms", but with the "causes".


Coaching priorities

Coaching priorities

The fit4school learning coachings are based on 5 different, age-appropriate modules with materials and working documents, each of which focuses on a specific focus:
- Coaching focus: focusing and concentration
- Coaching focus: working and learning techniques
- Coaching focus: Motivation
- Coaching focus: Organization and Planning
- Coaching focus: Hooray, the exam is here! 🙂
The goal is not to go through all modules, they do not follow a constructive concept. Rather it concerns to set the Coachingschwerpunkt, where with the respective pupil concrete need exists.

Let the center management advise and support you free of charge in order to determine the need correctly!

Who are the learning coachings suitable for?

Who are the learning coachings suitable for?

Personal learning coaching is basically suitable for everyone, because it creates the basis for successful, lifelong learning. For pupils, personal learning coaching at fit4school can be particularly helpful,
- if they learn a lot, but the grades aren't right,
- as they become more and more dependent,
- when discussions with parents about learning, homework and insufficient or even poor performance arise and conflicts become the order of the day,
- when exam fears, blockades and blackouts become apparent,
- when self-confidence drops,
- when they're unmotivated or listless,
- when they're frustrated,
- or if they're tired of tutoring all the time.
The reasons for the above points can, of course, lie elsewhere. The fit4school centre managers and, in case of doubt, the school psychological services (SPD) of the cantons will be happy to advise you within the scope of their respective competences.

Who are the coaches?

Who are the coaches?

Our coaches are experienced fit4school tutors who have qualified for this challenging task, successfully completed the corresponding selection process and are specially trained for this task. The center management assigns the appropriate coach to the respective student, whereby it is also possible to change the coach if desired - it is important that the student and the respective tutor fit together.

How much does a personal learning coaching cost?

How much does a personal learning coaching cost?

Good question! How much time a personal learning coaching takes cannot be said to be generally valid.

Learning strategies are action plans for controlling one's own learning. However, none of these action plans has general validity, because we humans function far too differently. And since every person has different, completely individual learning strategies and networks them to form his or her own unique system, there are simply no "patent remedies" that could simply be "prescribed" to children and adolescents. "The" learning strategy does not exist. For this reason, the learning coachings are also coordinated with the parents according to their needs.

For many children and adolescents, however, between 4 and 6 hours, divided into 1 hour per week, have proven effective in focusing on one focus.

The hourly rates can be found under "Tariffs" on the page of the respective location.

Where do the fit4school learning coachings take place?

Where do the fit4school learning coachings take place?

The learning coachings take place in the fit4school learning and coaching of your choice. The fit4school learning and coaching centers are designed exactly for this purpose: modern, bright and open. The right environment in which the children and adolescents feel comfortable is crucial for qualified learning coaching, in which the children and adolescents develop and optimise their own personal learning strategies.


Yes, I would like a free consultation!

fit4school Foundation

As a modern Swiss foundation and pioneers in supplementary education, we are carefully and consistently committed to the success of our students. We see ourselves as pioneers and take our responsibility for people and education very seriously. fit4school does not claim to do everything. But we want everything we do to be done the right way; with our enthusiasm for learning and knowledge, right in its time and right to the environment.



Stiftung fit4school
Streitgasse 20
CH-4051 Basel
+41 (0)61 511 22 08

Learning and Coaching Centers

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