
The Swiss Original

FAQ | Frequently Asked Questions. Reliably answered.

Why fit4school?

Specialists in the Swiss education system.

Specialists in the Swiss education system.

Supplementary school support and extracurricular learning support is a responsible task, because we personally take care of the individual school success of the children and adolescents. This requires a great deal of specific specialist knowledge, distinctive pedagogical skills, tact and experience.

This is why the fit4school foundation is managed by specialists in this field who are also firmly anchored in the Swiss education system: We come from the school management, are qualified teachers, experienced pedagogues, coaches, examination experts, personnel managers, vocational trainers and are actively represented in cantonal education commissions and in school maintenance.

We all care about the individual success of our students, which is why we work at the pulse of Swiss primary, secondary and vocational schools and are committed to individual, supplementary school support and extracurricular learning support.

Sustainable success is our goal.

Sustainable success is our goal.

Our goal is the sustainable success of our students. That's why we don't just provide technical support, but lay the foundation: we teach the children and young people strategies, methods and techniques that they can use to face school and social pressure in a more relaxed way, to be able to focus and be less distracted. The children and adolescents should learn to shape their everyday school life in a self-responsible and balanced way. We are committed to ensuring that children and young people can actually use their potential, curiosity, fascination, joy and enthusiasm for learning and knowledge. This is why we specifically promote intrinsic motivation to learn. We make children and young people fit for lifelong, successful learning.

Specialists at work.

Specialists at work.

The fit4school tutors are specialists in their field and have the methodical and didactic competence to teach children and adolescents. They have successfully completed the selection process to become a fit4school tutor and are specifically trained for their task. What all fit4school tutors have in common: They have a pronounced empathy, are result- and success-oriented personalities and above all: they love their field and therefore convey it with passion and enthusiasm.

Support with clear goals.

Support with clear goals.

The individual success of children and young people is close to our hearts. This is precisely why we only work with clearly defined targets, based on the curricula and current challenges, which we set together with the parents and the children. Not the same for everyone, but the same for everyone. Each individual student knows with us which individual goal we are working towards together and, together with the tutor, consistently keeps their own learning journal.

Close to the schools.

Close to the schools.

The Swiss foundation fit4school is aimed at Swiss primary, secondary and vocational schools. However, fit4school does not replace schools, fit4school complements them - and does so in a very targeted way. We do pioneering work in the development of individual, school supplementing support and extracurricular learning support and make our knowledge and experience available to children and young people. This makes the difference and is the reason why schools refer us at the right moment.

Own learning and coaching centres.

Own learning and coaching centres.

The learning support by the fit4school tutors, as well as our coachings, is offered exclusively in the modern, bright and open fit4school learning and coaching centers, which are designed and professionally equipped for this purpose. The right learning environment in which children and young people feel comfortable is crucial for effective, efficient and sustainable learning.

No subscriptions, no fixed terms.

No subscriptions, no fixed terms.

We have no lesson packages, no subscriptions, no fixed terms. The fit4school learning and coaching centres provide support only selectively, individually and above all according to your needs. Therefore it is possible at fit4school at any time to start learning support and coaching, to pause if necessary or to stop at any time - with a cancellation period of 24 hours - without cost consequences. "The best teacher is the one who gradually becomes superfluous." George Orwel


FAQ: Questions and answers

Where can I find the prices and tariffs?

Where can I find the prices and tariffs?

The fit4school learning and coaching centres offer the complete range of learning support and coaching services at fair and advantageous rates. Therefore the tariffs can vary between the individual fit4school learning and coaching centers, depending upon location.

The valid tariffs are published on the website of the respective location.

You can find the location websites via the location overview.

When can learning support be started?

When can learning support be started?

Anytime. In all fit4school learning and coaching centres you can start immediately with learning coachings, tutoring and examination trainings.

Contact the center management at the location near you!

Individual or small group lessons?

Individual or small group lessons?

In principle, both are possible at fit4school. Our learning support can be taken in the form of individual lessons or in small groups.

It is obvious that in the individual support we can respond even more precisely to the needs and difficulties of the individual learner. And we can take the individual learning pace into account even better. The advantage of teaching in small groups, on the other hand, is that the pupils can also learn from each other.

For a small group it is advantageous if it is made up of at least two pupils from the same school level and the same level. The ideal prerequisite is if the children go to the same class (possibly parallel class). This ensures a similar level in the processing of the school material (learning objectives) and prevents inefficient waiting times during the lessons. At the same time, the dates for the learning support can be very well coordinated since the learners have the same timetable.

On which dates can the learning support be terminated?

On which dates can the learning support be terminated?

You can terminate or interrupt the learning support and coaching at any time without incurring any costs, provided that you observe a cancellation period of 24 hours.

On which days of the week and at what time does the learning support take place?

On which days of the week and at what time does the learning support take place?

You choose the day and time of the week for coaching and learning support yourself and make appointments with the centre managers of the respective location. Of course, we coordinate the dates flexibly with the individual timetable of the students. At the same time, the center managers take the performance curve of the children and adolescents in the course of the day into account when making appointments.

Who teaches at fit4school, who are the coaches?

Who teaches at fit4school, who are the coaches?

Qualified fit4school tutors are available for tutoring, intensive language and maths training during the school holidays as well as for exam preparation and examination training. These tutors usually work part-time or parallel to their advanced studies.

The fit4school tutors are specialists in their field and have the methodical and didactic competence to teach children and young people. They have successfully completed the selection process to become a fit4school tutor and are specifically trained for their task. What all fit4school tutors have in common: They have a pronounced empathy, are result- and success-oriented personalities and above all: they love their field and therefore convey it with passion and enthusiasm.

The fit4school® learning coachings are led by experienced fit4school tutors who have additionally qualified for this challenging task, have successfully passed the corresponding selection process for the coach and are specially trained for this task.

The learning coaches work with the methodology, training materials and documents developed by specialist groups consisting of development psychologists, Swiss teachers and school principals on behalf of the fit4school foundation.

Application coaching is led by coaches who work full-time in this field.

Are there term discounts?

Are there term discounts?

No, because at fit4school we deliberately do not know any lesson packages, no subscriptions and no fixed terms. In all fit4school learning and coaching centers we provide learning support only selectively and according to your needs.

On the other hand, at fit4school it is possible at any time to start learning support and coaching, to pause it if necessary or - by adhering to a cancellation period of 24 hours - to stop it at any time and without cost consequences. We support children and adolescents only as long as it is actually necessary and only as long as the support remains meaningful. And you only pay for what you actually use.

What can I do if I cannot afford the learning support?

What can I do if I cannot afford the learning support?

In Switzerland, extra-curricular and supplementary schooling must be paid for in full by the parents themselves; the Confederation, cantons and municipalities do not provide any subsidies.

However, the fit4school foundation is committed to equal opportunities. Therefore, the Foundation supports low-income families flexibly, quickly and unbureaucratically upon request via the fit4school Education Fund Foundation by covering the difference between the respective financial possibilities and the actual costs incurred for learning support or coaching.

If necessary, contact the centre management of the respective location to find out the exact requirements and conditions under which the fit4school Education Fund will support you in your specific case.

The fit4school Education Fund is dependent on donations. More information can be found here.

Is the tutor coming home to us?

Is the tutor coming home to us?

Except in exceptional cases, no. All learning coaching, tutoring, intensive language and maths training during the school holidays and exam preparation and training take place in the fit4school learning and coaching centre of your choice. The same applies to application coaching and apprenticeship counselling. The modern, bright and open fit4school learning and coaching centres are designed exactly for these purposes. The right learning environment, in which the children and young people feel comfortable, is crucial for effective, efficient and sustainable learning.

If special circumstances require learning support outside the fit4school learning and coaching centers, please contact the center management of the location near you. The center managers will be happy to help you.

fit4school Foundation

As a modern Swiss foundation and pioneers in supplementary education, we are carefully and consistently committed to the success of our students. We see ourselves as pioneers and take our responsibility for people and education very seriously. fit4school does not claim to do everything. But we want everything we do to be done the right way; with our enthusiasm for learning and knowledge, right in its time and right to the environment.



Stiftung fit4school
Streitgasse 20
CH-4051 Basel
+41 (0)61 511 22 08

Learning and Coaching Centers

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