
The Swiss Original

The holiday season is ideal. Free of direct school pressure, important school material can be expanded, deepened and consolidated - in small group intensive courses or individual intensive training: mathematics, German, French, English and more.

Our intensive trainings and intensive courses

In our courses and trainings during the school holidays we concentrate on the subjects mathematics, German, German as a second language, French and English according to the level. At selected locations you will find an extended range of subjects, including physics, chemistry, commercial arithmetic, finance and accounting.

- We close specific technical gaps in our learning and coaching centers,
- eradicate learning deficits,
- secure the school material of the previous school year on the basis of the cantonal curricula,
- create a secure basis for the coming school period, the transition to the upcoming school year or the change to the new school level, and
- build up fascination, joy and enthusiasm for the school subject.

All fit4school intensive courses are based on the cantonal curricula. This is why you will find a correspondingly coordinated range of courses at the respective locations.

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The fit4school learning and coaching centers throughout Switzerland


Holiday course mathematics

Holiday course mathematics

Mathematics is not only needed in school and the corresponding skills are not only required in the profession, but also fundamentally in private everyday life. Without mathematical skills we are lost. Mathematics is elementary and is therefore a fixed part of the curriculum. Gaps in this subject can have unpleasant consequences in the short, medium and long term.

That is why we concentrate on the most important points of the curriculum in the areas of arithmetic, algebra, geometry and calculus. The students repeat the basic learning contents of the school year and close specific gaps in the curriculum, for example in
- Calculate with the basic operations,
- Surgery with fractures,
- Calculate with percentages and interest,
- Draw geometric shapes and constructions,
- Calculate areas and volumes,
- Dealing with size units,
- Interpreting tables and graphics,
- and in recognizing and calculating proportionality.
The pupils thus create a solid and secure basis for the coming school years, the transition into the coming school year, the change into the new school level - and for their later professional and private everyday life.

Holiday course french

Holiday course french

French is considered to be the most elegant language in the world - and rightly so! French is one of the Swiss national languages, but of course also a world language.

But French is by no means easy to learn. German speakers, in particular, are quickly faced with the challenge of finding their way around the world of Romance languages with French.

In our intensive French courses, we focus on the familiar difficulties of the students. For example, we deal with the French indicative, create a clear understanding of the four "simple" times présent, futur simple, imparfait and passé simple and for the four composite times passé composé, futur antérieur, plus-que-parfait and passé antérieur. We also take care of the subject and the conditional.

But also, for example, the French characters, which are often perceived as an additional and unnecessary burden, belong to our topics: The correct setting of accent aigu, accent grave and accent circonflexe, the use of cédille and trema, the handling of the apostrophe, hyphens and the use of "œ".

Holiday course German as a second language

Holiday course German as a second language

The better children and young people understand and speak German, the easier it is for them to follow the lessons. Or to put it the other way round: Children and young people need the language of education in order to acquire knowledge. Without sufficient knowledge of German, it is very difficult, if not impossible, to be successful at public schools.

Students who learn German as a second language (DaZ) thus face a double challenge. They have to learn the German language, together with the complete vocabulary relevant to the lessons, in addition to the content and competences on which all learners work. A Herculean task!

In our DaZ-Intensiv course we build up the vocabulary that is actually used in the schools with the pupils. This also includes the specialist vocabulary for the natural science subjects, for mathematics and for the humanities and social sciences.

Holiday course German

Holiday course German

How do I write an exciting story? What makes a good description, how do I find the right word, the right formulation? What is important in a summary? And how do I structure my essay? When do I set a comma - and when the point?

A successful text is a masterpiece. But how do I get there?

In our intensive German course we answer these questions and provide the basis on which the students can build. We bring security into spelling, punctuation and grammar and show how style mistakes can be avoided. We practice directly on the text so that the students can consolidate and develop their language skills at a high level.

At the same time we convey our fascination, joy and enthusiasm for the German language. We are guided by the current curriculum, but in our intensive German course we deliberately go a step beyond it.

Holiday course English

Holiday course English

English, the world's most important international language, always gives the impression of a simple language, especially at the beginning. But the impression is deceptive! Kurt Tucholsky already noted aptly: "English is a simple but difficult language. It consists of many foreign words that are pronounced incorrectly."

For many students, learning English is a real challenge. They are struggling with the complex English times and their application. And they have difficulties with the correct use of modal verbs, with phrasal verbs, they generally have problems with the correct use of English verbs, with the inversion of question forms, with spelling and punctuation and above all with the huge vocabulary of the English language and the incredible amount of different meanings of words.

It is precisely these points that we pay attention to in our intensive English courses and close the gaps in a very concrete way.

Other school subjects

Other school subjects

We are happy to plan and organise the intensive holiday course with you according to your wishes and individual needs. Ask us - we look forward to tailoring a suitable offer for your child!

Small group intensive courses or individual intensive training?

Choose for yourself!
The trainings are either designed as intensive courses in small groups of 3 to 5 students or as individual intensive trainings and take place in the morning or afternoon. This means that there is plenty of time to relax and unwind during the school holidays. Group courses comprise 3 training hours per day from Monday to Friday. Individual trainings cover, since these are still more intensive, more individually and more demanding, in each case 1½ hours per day.

Yes, I would like a free consultation!

fit4school Foundation

As a modern Swiss foundation and pioneers in supplementary education, we are carefully and consistently committed to the success of our students. We see ourselves as pioneers and take our responsibility for people and education very seriously. fit4school does not claim to do everything. But we want everything we do to be done the right way; with our enthusiasm for learning and knowledge, right in its time and right to the environment.



Stiftung fit4school
Streitgasse 20
CH-4051 Basel
+41 (0)61 511 22 08

Learning and Coaching Centers

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